Painting and Conversation, between Andrew Festing and Frances Bell

Last year I had the good fortune to win the William Lock Portrait Prize, and with a portion of the winnings I aimed to do something that would benefit portraiture in return.

I approached Andrew Festing earlier this year on the subject of the Royal Society's Jubilee show and gathered from him that he'd be happy to sit for me and also be interviewed and recorded for Phil Wilkinson to then make a short film about our project. 

Andrew is one of the most esteemed 20th century portrait painters and, like many of his generation, he is less well known in the more digital formats that are common today amongst my own generation of painter. This seems a shame given how many younger painters, and many others besides, are keen to know the life stories of our foremost artists.



So it is with great pleasure that I can now show Phil's film of the interaction. I ask Andrew about his career, and we discuss some ideas around painting.


The film needed to cut most of the original interview, so a fuller version is available in audio form for any very keen beans.

Audio interview - Frances Bell and Andrew Festing

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